Duke University
Consider model \(Y_1, \dots, Y_n \sim \textsf{N}\left(\mu(\mathbf{x}_i), \sigma \right)\)
Mean function represented via a Stochastic Expansion \[\mu(\mathbf{x}_i) = \sum_{j \le J} b_j(\mathbf{x}_i, \boldsymbol{\omega}_j) \beta_j\]
Multivariate Gaussian Kernel \(g\) with parameters \(\boldsymbol{\omega}= (\boldsymbol{\chi}, \boldsymbol{\Lambda})\) \[ b_j(\mathbf{x}, \boldsymbol{\omega}_j) = g( \boldsymbol{\Lambda}_j^{1/2} (\mathbf{x}- \boldsymbol{\chi}_j)) = \exp\left\{-\frac{1}{2}(\mathbf{x}- \boldsymbol{\chi}_j)^T \boldsymbol{\Lambda}_j (\mathbf{x}- \boldsymbol{\chi}_j)\right\} \]
introduce a Lévy measure \(\nu( d\beta, d \boldsymbol{\omega})\)
Poisson distribution \(J \sim \textsf{Poi}(\nu_+)\) where \(\nu_+\equiv \nu(\mathbb{R}\times\boldsymbol{\Omega}) = \iint \nu(\beta, \boldsymbol{\omega}) d \beta \, d\boldsymbol{\omega}\) \[\beta_j,\boldsymbol{\omega}_j \mid J \mathrel{\mathop{\sim}\limits^{\rm iid}}\pi(\beta, \boldsymbol{\omega}) \propto \nu(\beta,\boldsymbol{\omega})\]
Conditions on \(\nu\)
satisfied if \[\iint_{\mathbb{R}\times \boldsymbol{\Omega}}( 1 \wedge |\beta|) \nu(\beta, \boldsymbol{\omega}) d\beta \, d\boldsymbol{\omega}< \infty\]
Mean function \(\textsf{E}[Y_i \mid \boldsymbol{\theta}] = \mu(\mathbf{x}_i, \boldsymbol{\theta})\) falls in some class of nonlinear functions based on \(g\) and prior on \(\boldsymbol{\Lambda}\)
number of support points \(J\) varies from iteration to iteration
update existing point(s)
can be much faster than shrinkage or BMA with a fixed but large \(J\)
more parsimonious than “shrinkage” priors or SVM with fixed \(J\)
allows for increasing number of support points as \(n\) increases (adapts to smoothness)
no problem with non-normal data, non-negative functions or even discontinuous functions
credible and prediction intervals; uncertainty quantification
robust alternative to Gaussian Process Priors
But - hard to scale up random scales & locations as dimension of \(\mathbf{x}\) increases
Alternative Prior Approximation II
MCMC is (currently) too slow in higher dimensional space to allow
\(\boldsymbol{\chi}\) to be completely arbitrary; restrict support to observed \(\{\mathbf{x}_i\}\) like in SVM (or observed quantiles)
use a common diagonal \(\boldsymbol{\Lambda}\) for all kernels
Kernels take form: \[\begin{aligned} b_j(\mathbf{x}, \boldsymbol{\omega}_j) & = & \prod_d \exp\{ -\frac{1}{2} \lambda_d (x_d - \chi_{dj})^2 \} \\ \mu(\mathbf{x}) & = & \sum_j b_j(\mathbf{x}, \boldsymbol{\omega}_j) \beta_j \end{aligned}\]
accomodates nonlinear interactions among variables
ensemble model like random forests, boosting, BART, SVM
\(\alpha\)-Stable process: \(\nu(d\beta, d \boldsymbol{\omega}) = \gamma c_\alpha |\beta|^{-(\alpha + 1)} d\beta \ \pi(d \boldsymbol{\omega})\)
Continuous Approximation to an \(\alpha\)-Stable process via a Student \(t(\alpha, 0, \epsilon)\): \[\nu_\epsilon(d\beta, d \boldsymbol{\omega}) = \gamma c_\alpha (\beta^2 + \alpha \epsilon^2)^{-(\alpha + 1)/2} d\beta \ \pi(d \boldsymbol{\omega})\]
Based on the following hierarchical prior
_j _j & N(0, _j^-1) & & _j Gamma(, )
J & ~Poi(^+_) & & ^+_= _(, ) = ()
Key Idea: need to have variance/scale of coefficients decrease as \(J\) increases
\[\begin{aligned} \beta_j \mid \varphi_j & \mathrel{\mathop{\sim}\limits^{\rm ind}}&\textsf{N}(0, 1/\varphi_j) \\ \varphi_j & \mathrel{\mathop{\sim}\limits^{\rm iid}}& \textsf{Gamma}(\alpha/2, 0) \end{aligned}\]
Require \(0 < \alpha < 2\) Additional restrictions on \(\omega\)
Tipping’s Relevance Vector Machine corresponds to \(\alpha = 0\) (improper posterior!)
Provides an extension of Generalized Ridge Priors to infinite dimensional case
Cauchy process corresponds to \(\alpha = 1\)
Infinite dimensional analog of Cauchy priors
Poisson number of points \(J \sim \textsf{Poi}(\gamma/\boldsymbol{\epsilon})\)
Given \(J\), \([ n_1 : n_n] \sim \textsf{MultNom}(J, 1/(n+1))\) points supported at each kernel located at \(\mathbf{x}_j\)
Aggregating, the regression mean function can be rewritten as \[\mu(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{i=0}^n \tilde{\beta}_i b_j(\mathbf{x}, \boldsymbol{\omega}_i), \quad \tilde{\beta}_i = \sum_{\{j \, \mid \boldsymbol{\chi}_j = \mathbf{x}_i\}} \beta_j\]
if \(\alpha = 1\), not only is the Cauchy process infinitely divisible, the approximated Cauchy prior distributions for \(\beta_j\) are also infinitely divisible!
\[ \tilde{\beta}_i \mathrel{\mathop{\sim}\limits^{\rm ind}} \textsf{N}(0, n_i^2 \tilde{\varphi}_i^{-1}), \qquad \tilde{\varphi}_i \mathrel{\mathop{\sim}\limits^{\rm iid}}\textsf{Gamma}( 1/2, \boldsymbol{\epsilon}^2/2) \]
At most \(n\) non-zero coefficients!
integrate out \(\tilde{\boldsymbol{\beta}}\) for marginal likelihood \(\cal{L}(J, \{n_i\}, \{\tilde{\varphi}_i\}, \sigma^2, \boldsymbol{\lambda})\) \[\mathbf{Y}\mid \sigma^2, \{n_i\}, \{\tilde{\varphi}_i\}, \boldsymbol{\lambda}\sim \textsf{N}\left(\mathbf{0}_n, \sigma^2 \mathbf{I}_n + \mathbf{b} \, \textsf{diag}\left(\frac{n_i^2}{\tilde{\varphi}_i} \right)\mathbf{b}^T\right)\]
if \(n_i = 0\) then the kernel located at \(\mathbf{x}_i\) drops out so we still need birth/death steps via RJ-MCMC for \(\{n_i, \tilde{\varphi}_i\}\)
for \(J < n\) take advantage of the Woodbury matrix identity for matrix inversion likelihood \[(A + U C V)^{-1} = A^{-1} - A^{-1}U(C^{-1} + VA^{-1}U){-1} V A^{-1}\]
update \(\sigma^2, \boldsymbol{\lambda}\) via usual MCMC
for fixed \(J\) and \(\{n_i\}\), can update \(\{\tilde{\varphi}_i\}, \sigma^2, \boldsymbol{\lambda})\) via usual MCMC (fixed dimension)
Binary Regression
classification = TRUE
for probit regression
selection = TRUE
allows some of the \(\lambda_j\) to be 0
common_lambdas = TRUE
sets all (non-zero) \(\lambda_j\) to a common \(\lambda\)
circle2.svm = svm(y ~ x.1 + x.2, data=circle2[train,],
pred.svm = predict(circle2.svm, circle2[-train,])
mean(pred.svm != circle2[-train, "y"])
[1] 0.048
[1] 0.036
Data Sets | n | p | BARK-D | BARK-SE | BARK-SD | SVM | BART |
Circle 2 | 200 | 2 | 4.91% | 1.88% | 1.93% | 5.03% | 3.97% |
Circle 5 | 200 | 5 | 4.70% | 1.47% | 1.65% | 10.99% | 6.51% |
Circle 20 | 200 | 20 | 4.84% | 2.09% | 3.69% | 44.10% | 15.10% |
Bank | 200 | 6 | 1.25% | 0.55% | 0.88% | 1.12% | 0.50% |
BC | 569 | 30 | 4.02% | 2.49% | 6.09% | 2.70% | 3.36% |
Ionosphere | 351 | 33 | 8.59% | 5.78% | 10.87% | 5.17% | 7.34% |
Lévy Random Field Priors & LARK/BARK models: