Introduction to Hierarchical Modelling, Empirical Bayes, and MCMC

STA702 Lecture 5

Merlise Clyde

Duke University

Normal Means Model

  • Suppose we have normal data with \[Y_i \mid \mu_i, \sigma^2 \overset{ind}{\sim} \textsf{N}(\mu_i, \sigma^2)\]

  • separate mean for each observation!

  • Question: How can we possibly hope to estimate all these \(\mu_i\)? One \(y_i\) per \(\mu_i\) and \(n\) observations!

  • Naive estimator: just consider only using \(y_i\) in estimating and not the other observations.

  • MLE \(\hat{\mu}_i = y_i\)

  • Hierarchical Viewpoint: Let’s borrow information from other observations!




  • Example \(y_i\) is difference in gene expression for the \(i^{\text{th}}\) gene between cancer and control lines

  • may be natural to think that the \(\mu_i\) arise from some common distribution, \(\mu_i \overset{iid}{\sim} g\)

  • unbiased but high variance estimators of \(\mu_i\) based on one observation!

Low Variability

  • little variation in \(\mu_i\)s so a better estimate might be \(\bar{y}\)

  • Not forced to choose either - what about some weighted average between \(y_i\) and \(\bar{y}\)?

Simple Example

  • Data Model \[Y_i \mid \mu_i, \sigma^2 \overset{ind}{\sim} \textsf{N}(\mu_i, \sigma^2)\]

  • Means Model \[\mu_i \mid \mu, \sigma^2_\mu \overset{iid}{\sim} \textsf{N}(\mu, \sigma^2_{\mu})\]

  • not necessarily a prior!

  • Now estimate \(\mu_i\) (let \(\phi = 1/\sigma^2\) and \(\phi_{\mu} = 1/\sigma^2_\mu\))

  • Calculate the “posterior” \(\mu_i \mid y_i, \mu, \phi, \phi_\mu\)

Hiearchical Estimates

  • Posterior: \(\mu_i \mid y_i, \mu, \phi, \phi_\mu \overset{ind}{\sim} \textsf{N}(\tilde{\mu}_i, 1/\tilde{\phi}_\mu)\)

  • estimator of \(\mu_i\) weighted average of data and population parameter \(\mu\) \[\tilde{\mu}_i = \frac{\phi_\mu \mu + \phi y_i} {\phi_\mu + \phi} \qquad \qquad \tilde{\phi}_\mu = \phi + \phi_\mu\]

  • if \(\phi_\mu\) is large relative to \(\phi\) all of the \(\mu_i\) are close together and benefit by borrowing information

  • in limit as \(\sigma^2_\mu \to 0\) or \(\phi_\mu \to \infty\) we have \(\tilde{\mu}_i = \mu\) (all means are the same)

  • if \(\phi_\mu\) is small relative to \(\phi\) little borrowing of information

  • in the limit as \(\phi_\mu \to 0\) we have \(\tilde{\mu}_i = y_i\)

Bayes Estimators and Bias

  • Note: you often benefit from a hierarchical model, even if its not obvious that the \(\mu_i\) are related!

  • The MLE for the \(\mu_i\) is just the sample \(y_i\).

  • \(y_i\) is unbiased for \(\mu_i\) but can have high variability!

  • the posterior mean is actually biased.

  • Usually through the weighting of the sample data and prior, Bayes procedures have the tendency to pull the estimate of \(\mu_i\) toward the prior or provide shrinkage to the mean.


Why would we ever want to do this? Why not just stick with the MLE?

  • MSE or Bias-Variance Tradeoff

Modern Relevance

  • The fact that a biased estimator would do a better job in many estimation/prediction problems can be proven rigorously, and is referred to as Stein’s paradox.

  • Stein’s result implies, in particular, that the sample mean is an inadmissible estimator of the mean of a multivariate normal distribution in more than two dimensions i.e. there are other estimators that will come closer to the true value in expectation.

  • In fact, these are Bayes point estimators (the posterior expectation of the parameter \(\mu_i\)).

  • Most of what we do now in high-dimensional statistics is develop biased estimators that perform better than unbiased ones.

  • Examples: lasso regression, ridge regression, various kinds of hierarchical Bayesian models, etc.

Population Parameters

  • we don’t know \(\mu\) (or \(\sigma^2\) and \(\sigma^2_\mu\) for that matter)

  • Find marginal likelihood \(\cal{L}(\mu, \sigma^2, \sigma^2_\mu)\) by integrating out \(\mu_i\) with respect to \(g\) \[\cal{L}(\mu, \sigma^2, \sigma^2_\mu) \propto \prod_{i = 1}^n \int \textsf{N}(y_i; \mu_i, \sigma^2) \textsf{N}(\mu_i; \mu, \sigma^2_\mu) \, d \mu_i\]

  • Product of predictive distributions for \(Y_i \mid \mu, \sigma^2, \sigma^2_\mu \overset{iid}{\sim} \textsf{N}(\mu, \sigma^2 + \sigma^2_\mu)\)
    \[\cal{L}(\mu, \sigma^2, \sigma^2_\mu) \propto \prod_{i = 1}^n (\sigma^2 + \sigma^2_\mu)^{-1/2} \exp \left\{ - \frac{1}{2} \frac{\left(y_i - \mu \right)^2}{\sigma^2 + \sigma^2_\mu }\right\}\]

  • Find MLE’s


\[\cal{L}(\mu, \sigma^2, \sigma^2_\mu) \propto (\sigma^2 + \sigma^2_\mu)^{-n/2} \exp\left\{ - \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^n\frac{\left(y_i - \mu \right)^2}{\sigma^2 + \sigma^2_\mu }\right\}\]

  • MLE of \(\mu\): \(\hat{\mu} = \bar{y}\)

  • Can we say anything about \(\sigma^2_\mu\)? or \(\sigma^2\) individually?

  • MLE of \(\sigma^2 + \sigma^2_\mu\) is \[\widehat{\sigma^2 + \sigma^2_\mu} = \frac{\sum(y_i - \bar{y})^2}{n}\]

  • Assume \(\sigma^2\) is known (say 1) \[\hat{\sigma}^2_\mu = \frac{\sum(y_i - \bar{y})^2}{n} - 1\]

Empirical Bayes Estimates

  • plug in estimates of hyperparameters into the prior and pretend they are known

  • resulting estimates are known as Empirical Bayes

  • Estimates of variances may be negative - constrain to 0 on the boundary

  • underestimates uncertainty

  • Fully Bayes would put a prior on the unknowns

Bayes and Hierarchical Models

  • We know the conditional posterior distribution of \(\mu_i\) given the other parameters, lets work with the marginal likelihood \(\cal{L}(\theta)\)

  • need a prior \(\pi(\theta)\) for unknown parameters are \(\theta = (\mu, \sigma^2, \sigma^2_\mu)\) (details later)

  • Posterior \[\pi(\theta \mid y) = \frac{\pi(\theta) \cal{L}(\theta)} {\int_\Theta \pi(\theta) \cal{L}(\theta) \, d\theta} = \frac{\pi(\theta) \cal{L}(\theta)} {m(y)}\]

  • Problems: Except for simple cases (conjugate models) \(m(y)\) is not available analytically

Large Sample Approximations

  • Appeal to BvM (Bayesian Central Limit Theorem) and approximate \(\pi(\theta \mid y)\) with a Gaussian distribution centered at the posterior mode \(\hat{\theta}\) and asymptotic covariance matrix \[V_\theta = \left[- \frac{\partial^2}{\partial \theta \partial \theta^T} \left\{\log(\pi(\theta)) + \log(\cal{L}(\theta)) \right\} \right]^{-1}\]

  • related to Laplace approximation to integral (also large sample)

  • Use normal approximation to find \(\textsf{E}[h(\theta) \mid y]\)

  • Integral may not exist in closed form (non-linear functions)

  • use numerical quadrature (doesn’t scale up)

  • Stochastic methods of integration

Stochastic Integration

  • Stochastic integration \[\textsf{E}[h(\theta) \mid y] = \int_\Theta h(\theta) \pi(\theta \mid y) \, d\theta \approx \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T} h(\theta^{(t)}) \qquad \theta^{(t)} \sim \pi(\theta \mid y)\]

  • what if we can’t sample from the \(\pi(\theta \mid y)\) but can sample from some distribution \(q()\) \[\textsf{E}[h(\theta) \mid y] = \int_\Theta h(\theta) \frac{\pi(\theta \mid y)}{q(\theta)} q(\theta)\, d\theta \approx \frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T} h(\theta^{(t)}) \frac{\pi(\theta^{(t)} \mid y)} {q(\theta^{(t)})} \qquad\] where \(\theta^{(t)} \sim q(\theta)\)

  • Without the \(m(y)\) in \(\pi(\theta \mid y)\) we just have \(\pi(\theta \mid y) \propto \pi(\theta) \cal{L}(\theta)\)

  • use twice for numerator and denominator

Important Sampling Estimate

  • Estimate of \(m(y)\) \[m(y) \approx \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T} \frac{\pi(\theta^{(t)}) \cal{L}(\theta^{(t)})}{q(\theta^{(t)})} \qquad \theta^{(t)} \sim q(\theta)\]

  • Ratio estimator of \(\textsf{E}[h(\theta) \mid y]\) \[\textsf{E}[h(\theta) \mid y] \approx \frac{\sum_{t=1}^{T} h(\theta^{(t)}) \frac{\pi(\theta^{(t)}) \cal{L}(\theta^{(t)})}{q(\theta^{(t)})}} { \sum_{t=1}^{T} \frac{\pi(\theta^{(t)}) \cal{L}(\theta^{(t)})}{q(\theta^{(t)})}} \qquad \theta^{(t)} \sim q(\theta)\]

  • Weighted average with importance weights \(w(\theta^{(t)}) \propto \frac{\pi(\theta^{(t)}) \cal{L}(\theta^{(t)})}{q(\theta^{(t)})}\) \[\textsf{E}[h(\theta) \mid y] \approx \sum_{t=1}^{T} h(\theta^{(t)}) w(\theta^{(t)})/\sum_{t=1}^T w(\theta^{(t)}) \qquad \theta^{(t)} \sim q(\theta)\]


  • if \(q()\) puts too little mass in regions with high posterior density, we can have some extreme weights

  • optimal case is that \(q()\) is as close as possible to the posterior so that all weights are constant

  • Estimate may have large variance

  • Problems with finding a good \(q()\) in high dimensions \((d > 20)\) or with skewed distributions

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)

  • Typically \(\pi(\theta)\) and \(\cal{L}(\theta)\) are easy to evaluate


How do we draw samples only using evaluations of the prior and likelihood in higher dimensional settings?

  • construct a Markov chain \(\theta^{(t)}\) in such a way the the stationary distribution of the Markov chain is the posterior distribution \(\pi(\theta \mid y)\)! \[\theta^{(0)} \overset{k}{\longrightarrow} \theta^{(1)} \overset{k}{\longrightarrow} \theta^{(2)} \cdots\]

  • \(k_t(\theta^{(t-1)} ; \theta^{(t)})\) transition kernel

  • initial state \(\theta^{(0)}\)

  • choose some nice \(k_t\) such that \(\theta^{(t)} \to \pi(\theta \mid y)\) as \(t \to \infty\)

  • biased samples initially but get closer to the target

  • Metropolis Algorithm (1950’s)

Stochastic Sampling Intuition

  • From a sampling perspective, we need to have a large sample or group of values, \(\theta^{(1)}, \ldots, \theta^{(S)}\) from \(\pi(\theta \mid y)\) whose empirical distribution approximates \(\pi(\theta \mid y)\).

  • for any two sets \(A\) and \(B\), we want \[\frac{\dfrac{\# \theta^{(s)} \in A}{S}}{\dfrac{\# \theta^{(s)} \in B}{S} } = \dfrac{\# \theta^{(s)} \in A}{\# \theta^{(s)} \in B} \approx \dfrac{\pi(\theta \in A \mid y)}{\pi(\theta \in B \mid y)}\]

  • Suppose we have a working group \(\theta^{(1)}, \ldots, \theta^{(s)}\) at iteration \(s\), and need to add a new value \(\theta^{(s+1)}\).

  • Consider a candidate value \(\theta^\star\) that is close to \(\theta^{(s)}\)

  • Should we set \(\theta^{(s+1)} = \theta^\star\) or not?

Posterior Ratio.

look at the ratio \[ \begin{split} M & = \dfrac{\pi(\theta^\star \mid y)}{\pi(\theta^{(s)} \mid y)} = \frac{\dfrac{p(y \mid \theta^\star) \pi(\theta^\star)}{p(y)} } {\dfrac{p(y \mid \theta^{(s)}) \pi(\theta^{(s)})}{p(y)}}\\ \\ & = \dfrac{p(y \mid \theta^\star) \pi(\theta^\star)}{p(y \mid \theta^{(s)}) \pi(\theta^{(s)})} \end{split} \]

  • does not depend on the marginal likelihood we don’t know!

Metropolis algorithm

  • If \(M > 1\)
    • Intuition: \(\theta^{(s)}\) is already a part of the density we desire and the density at \(\theta^\star\) is even higher than the density at \(\theta^{(s)}\).

    • Action: set \(\theta^{(s+1)} = \theta^\star\)

  • If \(M < 1\),
    • Intuition: relative frequency of values in our group \(\theta^{(1)}, \ldots, \theta^{(s)}\) “equal” to \(\theta^\star\) should be \(\approx M = \dfrac{\pi(\theta^\star \mid y)}{\pi(\theta^{(s)} \mid y)}\).

    • For every \(\theta^{(s)}\), include only a fraction of an instance of \(\theta^\star\).

    • Action: set \(\theta^{(s+1)} = \theta^\star\) with probability \(M\) and \(\theta^{(s+1)} = \theta^{(s)}\) with probability \(1-M\).

Proposal Distribution

  • Where should the proposed value \(\theta^\star\) come from?

  • Sample \(\theta^\star\) close to the current value \(\theta^{(s)}\) using a symmetric proposal distribution \(\theta^\star \sim q(\theta^\star \mid \theta^{(s)})\)

  • \(q()\) is actually a “family of proposal distributions”, indexed by the specific value of \(\theta^{(s)}\).

  • Here, symmetric means that \(q(\theta^\star \mid \theta^{(s)}) = q(\theta^{(s)} \mid \theta^\star)\).

  • Common choice \[\textsf{N}(\theta^\star; \theta^{(s)}, \delta^2 \Sigma)\] with \(\Sigma\) based on the approximate \(\textsf{Cov}(\theta \mid y)\) and \(\delta = 2.44/\text{dim}(\theta)\) or \[\text{Unif}(\theta^\star; \theta^{(s)} - \delta, \theta^{(s)} + \delta)\]

Metropolis Algorithm Recap

The algorithm proceeds as follows:

  1. Given \(\theta^{(1)}, \ldots, \theta^{(s)}\), generate a candidate value \(\theta^\star \sim q(\theta^\star \mid \theta^{(s)})\).

  2. Compute the acceptance ratio \[\begin{split} M & = \dfrac{\pi(\theta^\star \mid y)}{\pi(\theta^{(s)} \mid y)} = \dfrac{p(y \mid \theta^\star) \pi(\theta^\star)}{p(y \mid \theta^{(s)}) \pi(\theta^{(s)})}. \end{split}\]

  3. Set \[\begin{eqnarray*} \theta^{(s+1)} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \theta^\star & \quad \text{with probability} \quad \text{min}(M,1) \\ \theta^{(s)} & \quad \text{with probability} \quad 1 - \text{min}(M,1) \\ \end{array} \right. \end{eqnarray*}\] equivalent to sampling \(u \sim U(0,1)\) independently and setting \[\begin{eqnarray*} \theta^{(s+1)} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \theta^\star & \quad \text{if} \quad u < M \\ \theta^{(s)} & \quad \text{if} \quad \text{otherwise} \\ \end{array} \right. . \end{eqnarray*} \]


  • Acceptance probability is \[M = \min \left\{ 1, \frac{\pi(\theta^\star) \cal{L}(\theta^\star)} {\pi(\theta^{(s)}) \cal{L}(\theta^{(s)})}\right\}\]

  • ratio of posterior densities where normalizing constant cancels!

  • The Metropolis chain ALWAYS moves to the proposed \(\theta^\star\) at iteration \(s+1\) if \(\theta^\star\) has higher target density than the current \(\theta^{(s)}\).

  • Sometimes, it also moves to a \(\theta^\star\) value with lower density in proportion to the density value itself.

  • This leads to a random, Markov process that naturally explores the space according to the probability defined by \(\pi(\theta \mid y)\), and hence generates a sequence that, while dependent, eventually represents draws from \(\pi(\theta \mid y)\) (stationary distribution of the Markov Chain).