The Normal Model & Prior/Posterior Predictive Distributions

STA 702: Lecture 3

Merlise Clyde

Duke University


  • Normal Model

  • Predictive Distributions

  • Prior Predictive; useful for prior elicitation

  • Posterior Predictive; predicting/forecasting future events

  • Comparing Estimators

Normal Model Setup

  • Suppose we have independent observations \[\mathbf{y} = (y_1,y_2,\ldots,y_n)^T\] where each \(Y_i \mid \theta, \sigma^2 \stackrel{iid}{\sim} \textsf{N}(\theta, \sigma^2)\)

  • We will see that it is more convenient to work with \(\tau = 1/\sigma^2\) (precision)

  • reparameterizing the model for the data we have \[Y_i \mid \theta, \tau \sim \mathcal{N}(\theta, \tau^{-1})\]

  • for simplicity we will treat \(\tau\) as known initially.

  • Need to specify a prior for \(\theta\) on \(\mathbb{R}\)

Prior for a Normal Mean

  • Natural choice is a Normal/Gaussian distribution (Conjugate prior) \[\theta \sim \textsf{N}(\theta_0, 1/\tau_0)\]

  • \(\theta_0\) is the prior mean - best guess for \(\theta\) using information other than \(\mathbf{y}\)

  • \(\tau_0\) is the prior precision and expresses our certainty about this guess

  • one notion of non-informative is to let \(\tau_0 \to 0\)

  • better justification is as Jeffreys’ prior (uniform measure)
    \(\pi(\theta) \propto 1\)

  • parameterization invariant and invariant to location/scale changes in the data (group invariance)

Exercise for the Energetic Student

You should be able to derive Jeffreys prior!

Posterior Distribution (1 observaton)

  • Posterior \[p(\theta \mid y) \propto \exp\left\{- \frac 1 2 [\tau (y - \theta) ^2 + \tau_0(\theta - \theta_0) ^2 \right\} \, d\theta\]

  • Quadratic in exponential term: \(\tau_0(\theta - \theta_0)^2 = \tau_0 \theta^2 - 2 \tau_0 \theta_0 \theta + \tau_0 \theta_0^2\)

    • Expand quadratics, regroup and read off precision from quadtric term in \(\theta\) and mean from linear term in \(\theta\)
  • posterior precision is the sum of prior precision and data precision \(\tau_0 + \tau\)

  • posterior mean \(\hat{\theta} = \frac{\tau_0} {\tau_0 + \tau} \theta_0 + \frac{\tau}{\tau_0 + \tau} y\); precision weighted average of prior mean and MLE

  • conjugate family updating \(\theta \mid y \sim \textsf{N} \left(\hat{\theta}, \frac{1}{\tau_0 + \tau} \right)\)

Marginal Distribution

  • Recall that the marginal distribution is \[p({y}) = p(y_1,\ldots,y_n) = \int_\Theta p(y_1,\ldots,y_n \mid \theta) \pi(\theta)\, d\theta\]

  • this is also called the prior predictive distribution and is independent of any unknown parameters

  • We may care about making predictions before we even see any data.

  • This is often useful as a way to see if the sampling distribution or prior we have chosen is appropriate, after integrating out all unknown parameters.

Prior Predictive for a Single Case

\[\begin{split} p(y) & \propto \int_\mathbb{R} p(y \mid \theta) \pi(\theta) \, d\theta \\ & \propto \int_\mathbb{R}\exp\left\{- \frac 1 2 \tau (y - \theta) ^2 \right\} \exp\left\{- \frac 1 2 \tau_0(\theta - \theta_0) ^2 \right\} \, d\theta \end{split}\]


  1. Expand quadratics in exp terms

  2. Group terms with \(\theta^2\) and \(\theta\)

  3. Read off posterior precision and
    posterior mean

  4. Complete the square

  5. Integrate out \(\theta\) to obtain marginal!

  1. Linear combinations of Normals are Normal! \[Y \stackrel{D}{=} \theta + \epsilon, \quad \epsilon \sim N(0, 1/\tau) \quad \theta \sim N(\theta_0, 1/\tau_0)\]

  2. Find Mean of sum

  3. Find Variance of sum

  4. Marginal \(Y \sim N(\theta_0, 1/\tau_0 + 1/\tau)\)

Prior Predictive

  • marginal distribution for \(Y\) (prior predictive) \[Y \sim \textsf{N}\left(\theta_0, \frac{1}{\tau_0} + \frac{1}{\tau}\right) \text{ or } \textsf{N}(\theta_0, \sigma^2 + \sigma^2_0)\]

  • two sources of variability: data variability and prior variability

  • useful to think about observable quantities when choosing the prior

  • sample directly from the prior predictive and assess whether the samples are consistent with our prior knowledge

  • if not, go back and modify the prior & repeat

  • sequential substitution sampling (repeat \(T\) times)

    1. draw \(\theta^{(t)} \sim \pi(\theta)\)

    2. draw \(y^{(t)} \mid \theta^{(t)} \sim p(y \mid \theta^{(t)})\)

  • takes into account uncertain about \(\theta\) and variability in \(Y\)!

Posterior Updating

  • Sequential updating using the previous result as our prior!

  • New prior after seeing 1 observation is \[\textsf{N}(\theta_1, 1/\tau_1)\]

  • prior mean weighted average \[\theta_1 \equiv \frac{\tau_0 \theta_0 + \tau y_1}{\tau_0 + \tau_1}\]

  • prior precision after 1 observation \[\tau_1 \equiv \tau_0 + \tau\]

  • prior variance is now \(\sigma^2_1 = 1/\tau_1\)

Posterior Predictive for \(y_2\) given \(y_1\)

  • Conditional \(p(y_2 \mid y_1) = p(y_2, y_1)/p(y_1)\) (Hard way!)

  • Use latent variable representation \[p(y_2 \mid y_1) = \int_\Theta \frac{p(y_2, \mid \theta) p( y_1 \mid \theta ) \pi(\theta) \, d\theta}{p(y_1)}\]

  • simplify to previous problem and use results \[p(y_2 \mid y_1) = \int_\Theta p(y_2 \mid \theta) \pi(\theta \mid y_1) \, d\theta\]

  • (Posterior) Predictive \[Y_2 \mid y_1 \sim \textsf{N}(\theta_1, \sigma^2 + \sigma^2_1)\]

Iterated Expectations

Based on expressions we have an exponential of a quadratic in \(y_2\) so know that distribution is Gaussian

  • Find the mean and variance using iterated expectations:

  • mean \[\textsf{E}[Y_2 \mid y_1] = \textsf{E}_{\theta \mid y_1}[\textsf{E}_{Y_2 \mid y_1, \theta} [Y_2 \mid y_1, \theta] \mid y_1]\]

  • Conditional Variance \(\textsf{Var}[Y_2 \mid y_1]\)

  • Iterated expectations (prove!) \[\textsf{Var}[Y_2 \mid y_1] = \textsf{E}_{\theta \mid y_1}[\textsf{Var}_{Y_2 \mid y_1, \theta} [Y_2 \mid y_1, \theta] \mid y_1] + \textsf{Var}_{\theta \mid y_1}[\textsf{E}_{Y_2 \mid y_1, \theta} [Y_2 \mid y_1, \theta] \mid y_1]\]

Updated Posterior for \(\theta\)

\[p(\theta \mid y_1, y_2) \propto p(y_2 \mid \theta) p(y_1 \mid \theta) \pi(\theta)\]

\[p(\theta \mid y_1, y_2) \propto p(y_2 \mid \theta) p(\theta \mid y_1)\]

Apply previous updating rules

  • new posterior mean \[\theta_2 = \frac{\tau_1 \theta_1 + \tau y_2}{\tau_1 + \tau} = \frac{\tau_0 \theta_0 + 2 \tau \bar{y}} {\tau_0 + 2 \tau}\]

  • new precision \[ \tau_2 = \tau_1 + \tau = \tau_0 + 2 \tau\]

After \(n\) observations

  • Posterior for \(\theta\) \[\theta \mid y_1, \ldots, y_n \sim \textsf{N}\left( \frac{\tau_0 \theta_0 + n \tau \bar{y}} {\tau_0 + n \tau}, \frac{1}{ \tau_0 + n \tau} \right)\]

  • Posterior Predictive Distribution for \(Y_{n+1}\) \[Y_{n+1} \mid y_1, \ldots, y_n \sim \textsf{N}\left( \frac{\tau_0 \theta_0 + n \tau \bar{y}} {\tau_0 + n \tau}, \frac{1}{\tau} + \frac{1}{ \tau_0 + n \tau} \right)\]

  • Shrinkage of the MLE to the prior mean

  • More accurate estimation of \(\theta\) as \(n \to \infty\) (reducible error)

  • Cannot reduce the error for prediction \(Y_{n+1}\) due to \(\sigma^2\)

  • predictive distribution for a next observation given everything we know - prior and likelihood

Results with Jeffreys’ Prior

  • What if \(\tau_0 \to 0\)? (or \(\sigma^2_0 \to \infty\))

  • Prior predictive \(\textsf{N}(\theta_0, \sigma^2_0 + \sigma^2 )\) (not proper in the limit)

  • Posterior for \(\theta\) (formal posterior) \[\theta \mid y_1, \ldots, y_n \sim \textsf{N}\left( \frac{\tau_0 \theta_0 + n \tau \bar{y}} {\tau_0 + n \tau}, \frac{1}{ \tau_0 + n \tau} \right)\]

\[\to \qquad \theta \mid y_1, \ldots, y_n \sim \textsf{N}\left( \bar{y}, \frac{1}{n \tau} \right)\]

  • Recovers the MLE as the posterior mode!

  • Posterior variance of \(\theta = \sigma^2/n\) (same as variance of the MLE)

Posterior Predictive Distribution

  • Posterior predictive distribution for \(Y_{n+1}\) \[Y_{n+1} \mid y_1, \ldots, y_n \sim \textsf{N}\left( \frac{\tau_0 \theta_0 + n \tau \bar{y}} {\tau_0 + n \tau}, \frac{1}{\tau} + \frac{1}{ \tau_0 + n \tau} \right)\]

  • Under Jeffreys’ prior \[Y_{n+1} \mid y_1, \ldots, y_n \sim \textsf{N}\left( \bar{y}, \sigma^2 (1 + \frac{1}{n} )\right)\]

  • Captures extra uncertainty due to not knowing \(\theta\) (compared to plug-in approach where we plug in MLE in sampling model!

Comparing Estimators

  • Expected loss (from frequentist perspective) of using Bayes Estimator

  • Posterior mean is optimal under squared error loss (min Bayes Risk) [also absolute error loss]

  • Compute Mean Square Error (or Expected Average Loss) \[\textsf{E}_{\bar{y} \mid \theta}\left[\left(\hat{\theta} - \theta \right)^2 \mid \theta \right]\]

\[ = \textsf{Bias}(\hat{\theta})^2 + \textsf{Var}(\hat{\theta})\]

  • For the MLE \(\bar{Y}\) this is just the variance of \(\bar{Y}\) or \(\sigma^2/n\)

MSE for Bayes

  • Frequentist Risk \[\textsf{E}_{\bar{y} \mid \theta}\left[\left(\hat{\theta} - \theta \right)^2 \mid \theta \right] = \textsf{MSE} = \textsf{Bias}(\hat{\theta})^2 + \textsf{Var}(\hat{\theta})\]

  • Bias of Bayes Estimate \[\textsf{E}_{\bar{Y} \mid \theta}\left[ \frac{\tau_0 \theta_0 + \tau n \bar{Y}} {\tau_0 + \tau n}\right] = \frac{\tau_0(\theta_0 - \theta)}{\tau_0 + \tau n}\]

  • Variance \[\textsf{Var}\left(\frac{\tau_0 \theta_0 + \tau n \bar{Y}}{\tau_0 + \tau n} - \theta \mid \theta \right) = \frac{\tau n}{(\tau_0 + \tau n)^2}\]

  • (Frequentist) expected Loss when truth is \(\theta\) \[\textsf{MSE} = \frac{\tau_0^2(\theta - \theta_0)^2 + \tau n}{(\tau_0 + \tau n)^2}\]


Behavior ?

Updating with \(n\) Observations

  • Can update sequentially as before -or-

  • We can use the \(\cal{L}(\theta)\) based on \(n\) observations and repeat completing the square with the original prior \(\theta \sim \textsf{N}(\theta_0, 1/\tau_0)\)

  • same answer!

  • The likelihood for \(\theta\) is proportional to the sampling model \[p(y \mid \theta,\tau) = \prod_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \tau^{\frac{1}{2}} \exp{\left\{-\frac{1}{2} \tau (y_i-\theta)^2\right\}}\]


Rewrite in terms of sufficient statistics!

Exercises for Practice

Exercise 1

Use \(\cal{L}(\theta)\) based on \(n\) observations and \(\pi(\theta)\) to find \(\pi(\theta \mid y_1, \ldots, y_n)\) based on the sufficient statistics

Exercise 2

Use \(\pi(\theta \mid y_1, \ldots, y_n)\) to find the posterior predictive distribution for \(Y_{n+1}\)


\[\begin{split} \cal{L}(\theta) & \propto \tau^{\frac{n}{2}} \ \exp\left\{-\frac{1}{2} \tau \sum_{i=1}^n (y_i-\theta)^2\right\}\\ & \propto \tau^{\frac{n}{2}} \ \exp\left\{-\frac{1}{2} \tau \sum_{i=1}^n \left[ (y_i-\bar{y}) - (\theta - \bar{y}) \right]^2 \right\}\\ \\ & \propto \tau^{\frac{n}{2}} \ \exp\left\{-\frac{1}{2} \tau \left[ \sum_{i=1}^n (y_i-\bar{y})^2 + \sum_{i=1}^n(\theta - \bar{y})^2 \right] \right\}\\ & \propto \tau^{\frac{n}{2}} \ \exp\left\{-\frac{1}{2} \tau \left[ \sum_{i=1}^n (y_i-\bar{y})^2 + n(\theta - \bar{y})^2 \right] \right\}\\ & \propto \tau^{\frac{n}{2}} \ \exp\left\{-\frac{1}{2} \tau s^2(n-1) \right\} \ \exp\left\{-\frac{1}{2} \tau n(\theta - \bar{y})^2 \right\} \end{split}\]