Course Overview
Duke University
Learn the foundations and theory of Bayesian inference in the context of several models.
Use Bayesian models to answer inferential questions.
Apply the models to several different problems.
Understand the advantages/disadvantages of Bayesian methods vs classical methods
A Bayesian version will usually make things better…
– Andrew Gelman.
Instructor: Dr Merlise Clyde
223 Old Chemistry
Review Chapters 1 to 5 of the Casella and Berger book
Labs/HW will involve computing in R!
Write your own MCMC samplers and run code long enough to show convergence
You can learn R
on the fly
5% class
20% HW
10% Lab
20% Midterm I
20% Midterm II
25% Final
No Late Submissions for HW/Lab; Drop the lowest score
You are encouraged to discuss assignments, but copying others work is considered a misconduct violation and will result in a 0 on the assignment
Confirm that you have access to Sakai, Gradescope, and GitHub
See the Syllabus
Make use of the teaching team’s office hours, we’re here to help!
Do not hesitate to come to my office hours or you can also make an appointment to discuss a homework problem or any aspect of the course.
Please make sure to check your email daily for announcements
Use the Reporting an issue link to report broken links or missing content
Tues, Aug 29 | Classes begin |
Fri, Sept 8 | Drop/Add ends |
Friday, Oct 13 | Midterm I (tentative) |
Sat - Tues, Oct 14 - 17 | Fall Break |
Tues, Nov 20 | Midterm II (tentative) |
Friday, Dec 1 | Graduate Classes End |
Dec 2 - Dec 12 | Graduate Reading Period |
Sat, Dec 16 | Final Exam (Perkins 060 2:00-5:00pm) |
See Class Schedule for slides, readings, HW, Labs, etc
Generally (unless otherwise stated), in this course, we will use the following notation. Let
\(Y\) is a random variable from some probability distribution \(p(y \mid \theta)\)
\(\mathcal{Y}\) be the sample space (possible outcomes for \(Y\))
\(y\) is the observed data
\(\theta\) is the unknown parameter of interest
\(\Theta\) be the parameter space
e.g. \(Y \sim \textsf{Ber}(\theta)\) where \(\theta = \Pr(Y = 1)\)
Given data \(y\), how would we estimate the population parameter \(\theta\)?
Maximum likelihood estimate (MLE)
Method of moments
and so on…
Frequentist MLE finds the one value of \(\theta\) that maximizes the likelihood
Typically uses large sample (asymptotic) theory to obtain confidence intervals and do hypothesis testing.
Bayesian methods are data analysis tools derived from the principles of Bayesian inference and provide
parameter estimates with good statistical properties;
parsimonious descriptions of observed data;
predictions for missing data and forecasts of future data with full uncertainty quantification; and
a computational framework for model estimation, selection, decision making and validation.
builds on likelihood inference
Let’s take a step back and quickly review the basic form of Bayes’ theorem.
Suppose there are some events \(A\) and B having probabilities \(\Pr(A)\) and \(\Pr(B)\).
Bayes’ rule gives the relationship between the marginal probabilities of A and B and the conditional probabilities.
In particular, the basic form of Bayes’ rule or Bayes’ theorem is \[\Pr(A | B) = \frac{\Pr(A \ \textrm{and} \ B)}{\Pr(B)} = \frac{\Pr(B|A)\Pr(A)}{\Pr(B)}\]
\(\Pr(A)\) = marginal probability of event \(A\), \(\Pr(B | A)\) = conditional probability of event \(B\) given event \(A\), and so on.
“reverses the conditioning” e.g. Probability of Covid given a negative test versus probability of a negative test given Covid
For each \(\theta \in \Theta\), specify a prior distribution \(p(\theta)\) or \(\pi(\theta)\), describing our beliefs about \(\theta\) being the true population parameter.
For each \(\theta \in \Theta\) and \(y \in \mathcal{Y}\), specify a sampling distribution \(p(y|\theta)\), describing our belief that the data we see \(y\) is the outcome of a study with true parameter \(\theta\).
Likelihood \(L(\theta|y)\) proportional to \(p(y|\theta)\)
After observing the data \(y\), for each \(\theta \in \Theta\), update the prior distribution to a posterior distribution \(p(\theta | y)\) or \(\pi(\theta | y)\), describing our “updated” belief about \(\theta\) being the true population parameter.
Getting from Step 1 to 3? Bayes’ rule!
\[p(\theta | y) = \frac{p(\theta)p(y|\theta)}{\int_{\Theta}p(\tilde{\theta})p(y| \tilde{\theta}) \textrm{d}\tilde{\theta}} = \frac{p(\theta)p(y|\theta)}{p(y)}\] where \(p(y)\) obtained by Law of Total Probability
Many types of priors may be of interest. These may
represent our own beliefs;
represent beliefs of a variety of people with differing prior opinions; or
assign probability more or less evenly over a large region of the parameter space
designed to provide good frequentist behavior when little is known
Subjective Bayes: a prior should accurately quantify some individual’s beliefs about \(\theta\)
Objective Bayes: the prior should be chosen to produce a procedure with “good” operating characteristics without including subjective prior knowledge
Weakly informative: prior centered in a plausible region but not overly-informative, as there is a tendency to be over confident about one’s beliefs
Empirical Bayes: uses the data to estimate the prior, then pretends it was known
Practical Bayes: Combination
The prior quantifies ‘your’ initial uncertainty in \(\theta\) before you observe new data (new information) - this may be necessarily subjective & summarizes experience in a field or prior research.
Even if the prior is not “perfect”, placing higher probability in a ballpark of the truth leads to better performance.
Hence, it is very seldom the case that a weakly informative prior is not preferred over no prior. (Model selection is one case where one needs to be careful!)
One (very important) role of the prior is to stabilize estimates (shrinkage) in the presence of limited data.
Work on Lab 0
Finally, here are some readings to entertain you. Make sure to glance through them within the next week. See Course Resources
Efron, B., 1986. Why isn’t everyone a Bayesian?. The American Statistician, 40(1), pp. 1-5.
Gelman, A., 2008. Objections to Bayesian statistics. Bayesian Analysis, 3(3), pp. 445-449.
Diaconis, P., 1977. Finite forms of de Finetti’s theorem on exchangeability. Synthese, 36(2), pp. 271-281.
Gelman, A., Meng, X. L. and Stern, H., 1996. Posterior predictive assessment of model fitness via realized discrepancies. Statistica sinica, pp. 733-760. 5. Dunson, D. B., 2018. Statistics in the big data era: Failures of the machine. Statistics & Probability Letters, 136, pp. 4-9.