Homework 1

Due: 11:59pm, Tues, Sept 12

(see Gradescope for any updates on due dates)


You all should have R and RStudio installed on your computers by now or access to the Department Server. If you do not, first install the latest version of R here: https://cran.rstudio.com (remember to select the right installer for your operating system). Next, install the latest version of RStudio here: https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/. Scroll down to the “Installers for Supported Platforms” section and find the right installer for your operating system.

R Knitr

You are required to use R knitr with the .Rnw format to type up this lab report. To get started see basics about knitr.

Getting started with Github Classroom

Go to Github classroom to accept the invitation to create a repository for this assignment at HW1

This will create a private repo in the STA702-F23 organization on Github with your github user name. Note: You may receive an email invitation to join STA702-F23 on your behalf.

Hit refresh, to see the link for the repo, and then click on it to go to the STA702-F23 organization in Github.

Follow the instructions in the README in your repo and in the hw1.Rnw file to complete the assignment and push to GitHub. If you encounter issues with Gradescope submission, it is critical that you have pushed your final assignment to GitHub by the due date to validate timestamps.

Gradescope Submission

You MUST submit both your final .Rnw and .pdf files to the repo on Github and upload the pdf to Gradescope here: https://www.gradescope.com/courses/585736/assignments

Make sure to knit to pdf; ask the TA about knitting to pdf if you cannot figure it out. Be sure to submit under the right assignment entry by the due date!


Total: 20 points.